

Students, teachers and the community talk about youth struggles in X Extension Exhibition

The event deepened discussions and experiences of the themes of the XXIII MCC and promoted social responsibility actions for children, adolescents and the elderly in Salvador.


The struggles of Brazilian youth and the relationship between social and health movements guided the X Extension Exhibition, held on October 20th, within the program of the XXIII Cultural and Scientific Exhibition of Bahiana. This edition was planned with the perspective of rebuilding curricula, which now have extension as mandatory, said professor Dr. Lavínia Boaventura, coordinator of MCC: “We are rethinking health training beyond institutional walls, so that students can see themselves as fundamental subjects in the construction of a society with social and environmental justice”.

The conversation circles emphasized this proposal, bringing to the Bahiana representatives of diversity (see full schedule), such as indigenous, black, quilombola students and leaders, those from the student movement and street populations. “There is no individual struggle, the struggle is collective, and health training must consider the construction of a society project before the job market”, stated professor Lavínia. The Extension Exhibition paid homage to Oziel Alves Pereira, a landless man who died at the age of 19 in the massacre in Eldorado dos Carajás (PA), and Joel Castro da Conceição, the 10-year-old boy Joel, also killed by the Military Police in Salvador ( BA).

For student Luiza Mattos, 8th semester of the Biomedicine course, the Extension Exhibition and MCC are opportunities to approach serious topics lightly and to confirm that science and culture can be together. A freshman in remote learning during the pandemic, it was the first time she participated in MCC in person. “Here I learned to value research and discovered that doing science is a political act,” she declared. Close to graduating, Luiza plans to return to Bahiana How teacher.

Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública