ISO 9001 – Medicine Course
Internationally recognized certification, which corresponds to a group of technical standards in force in about 189 countries. ISO 9001 is a management system with the aim of guaranteeing the optimization of processes, promoting management excellence.
Maximum Grade – MEC
The maximum grade established by the Ministry of Education (MEC) is an indication of excellence achieved by a course or institution that meets all the criteria required by the agency. MEC grades range from 1 to 5, and the closer to 5, the better the evaluation of the course or institution. The grade "Bahiana 5 Stars" is especially relevant, as it represents an institutional grade of 5 — a recognition that only 2,25% of Higher Education Institutions in Brazil achieve.
Social Responsibility – ABMES
The Socially Responsible Institution Seal, awarded by the Brazilian Association of Higher Education Maintainers (ABMES), recognizes higher education institutions that develop initiatives committed to the social well-being of the community in which they operate.
Seal of institution committed to employability – ABMES
The seal is awarded to institutions that participated in the IASE (ABMES Employability Indicator) survey carried out by ABMES – Brazilian Association of Higher Education Providers and Symplicity.
Seal of Ethnic-Racial Diversity
Bahiana received the Seal of Ethnic-Racial Diversity from the Reparation Secretariat of the Municipality of Salvador, in the Commitment category, assuming the Diversity Appreciation Pact and complying with the guidelines aimed at combating racism and racial discrimination in corporate environments.
LGBT+ Diversity Seal
The LGBT+ Diversity Seal, granted by the Municipal Repair Secretariat of Salvador City Hall (SEMUR), recognizes institutions that are committed to following the guidelines aimed at promoting LGBT+ Diversity.