Cover Sheet / Letter of Consent

Cover Sheet / Letter of Consent

The Cover Sheet is a document generated in the Platform Brazil, which requires the signature of the institutional responsible, who will declare knowledge of the ethical requirements of Resolution 466/12 (CNS) and complementary, as well as declaring that the institution is in a position to develop the project.

Each institution must elect those responsible for signing the Cover Sheet. In projects that configure the Bahiana as the proposing institution, the document must be signed (electronically certified) by the Dean of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Stricto Sensu. 

The Letter of Agreement is the document (also necessary for the submission of projects to the Research Ethics Committee) issued by Bahiana, when configured as a Proponent or Co-Participant, which will allow the carrying out of the research project (collection or processing of data and samples) in its facilities.

See, below, the guidelines for obtaining signature (certification) on your Cover Page and Institutional Letter of Agreement.

* By BIDDER institution: it is understood the one with which the main researcher has a link.

** By COPARTICIPATING institution: it is understood the one in which there will be the development of some stage of the research, but not being the Study Proponent. This type of request does not involve a Cover Page subscription.

Source: CONEP (