Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Inova+ Saúde Award will award BRL 30 to innovative ideas

Applications open until the 4th of October.


Encourage academic entrepreneurship by stimulating new talents with innovative potential in the area of ​​health and quality of life. This is the objective of the Inova+ Saúde Award which, this year, reaches its 3rd edition, being an initiative of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, in partnership with Maria Emilia Foundation. Each proposing team will compete for a prize of BRL 30, to be allocated to the development of the project and training of the team, whose actions will be developed within the scope of the Pre-Incubation Program in Innovation in Health of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. Entries can be made until the 4th of October, via online form.

Who can participate?
Teams with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 members, including at least one student regularly enrolled in one of the undergraduate or graduate courses (stricto sensu) of the Bahiana and a faculty advisor who is also linked to one of the institution's undergraduate or graduate courses. All team members must be domiciled in the state of Bahia, with the exception of the professor (supervisor), provided they have an institutional link with the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The 3rd INOVA+SAÚDE Award will support the minimum viable product development phase of a solution proposed by entrepreneurial researchers aimed at developing social technologies in the form of a product, service, device, equipment, application, game or computer program applied in the area of health. Proposals must be aligned according to the following categories: Social technologies to support the diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention of diseases; Social technologies to support health education or popularization of science; Social technologies to support or encourage sustainability and environmental protection. For more information, see the edict.

Learn more about the Inova+ Saúde Award