Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Scientific article produced by a Medicine and Human Health academic is awarded as the most cited in 2022

The award took place at the 78th Brazilian Cardiology Congress, held in September, in Rio Grande do Sul.


The article "Plasma Renin in Women Using and not Combined Oral Contraceptive", by the recently titled doctor in Medicine and Human Health, from the Stricto Sensu postgraduate program at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Sidney de Souza Oliveira, was the big winner for the most cited article in 2022, among publications in the area.

The award ceremony took place on September 29th, at the 78th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology, held in Rio Grande do Sul. Sidney's work was recognized as the most cited original article by the International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences.

During his PhD in Medicine and Human Health, the academic advisor was Dr. Ana Marice Ladeia and Dr. Jefferson Petto was his co-supervisor.