The Interdisciplinary Autism Research Laboratory (LABIRINTO) at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública held, on the 1st and 2nd of September, the 6th Autism Labyrinth Congress - Throughout Life, at the Gran Hotel Stella Maris, Salvador - BA. The event had more than 600 registrants who, over the two days, were able to exchange experiences, have contact with more recent research and studies on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and expand their network of relationships in the academic and personal spheres. The congress was coordinated by professors Milena Pondé and Gustavo Siquara.
The congress also proposed the social importance of autism and how it is essential that society is updated about the condition. People with autism can face stigma and prejudice, which can make it difficult for them to participate in many aspects of everyday life. Because it is a complex condition, autism is associated with other health issues. In this sense, the program offered participants discussions on the topics: "What is special about communicating autism throughout life"; "COMORBIDITIES IN ASD"; "ASD in girls"; “ASD and social skills”; "Potential risk of excessive screen use during the pandemic"; “Autism in different dimensions: from neuroscience to public health”, among others.
“It is an event that includes professionals from various areas of health focused on autism. And the event interests many. It is an event that speaks all languages, because, to talk about autism, we need to speak all languages. Because we know that Autism Spectrum Disorder involves multiple needs, multiple challenges”, highlighted Milena Pondé. For the psychologist and former student of Bahiana Fernanda Penna Portugal, “I have always really enjoyed Neuroscience classes and I am very interested in spectrum disorders, as I intend to help children. I think the Labyrinth scale is fantastic, everything I know about the scale makes me very interested. So being here today is a privilege.”
Meeting discussed academic extension in Psychology training.
The event involved students, teachers and employees in a celebration of the arts.
Event held in Brasilia promoted discussions on the main trends in Information and Communication Technologies.
Research and Innovation
Main lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. Jamary Oliveira Filho.