Words such as "listening", "welcoming", "protagonism" and "care" permeated the XNUMXst Symposium – an event for sharing and synthesizing the Mentores da Saúde Extension Program UBC/Bahiana, which took place on campus Brotas, on the afternoon of last Wednesday, August 23rd. The meeting marked the end of the activities of the pilot project that followed the model implemented and carried out by the University of British Columbia (UBC), in Canada, and which is being reproduced in Bahiana, through the Center for International Academic Relations and Internationalization (REAI).
The program constitutes a unique educational experience, in which teams of students from different undergraduate courses at Bahiana they learn together, having as a health mentor a person who lives with a chronic condition. In the case of this pilot project, the health mentors were members of the HTLVida Association. For Adijeane Oliveira, founder of the entity and health mentor in the project, "it was a very important experience, because it gave us the opportunity to be heard, to talk about how we want to be cared for. Because care needs to be listened to. people who live with HTLV in a broader, more multidisciplinary way. Valdemar Ferreira Viana Neto, a student in the 5th semester of Psychology, also valued the exercise of listening proposed by the program. "It is important to expand our listening and try to understand where this patient comes from come, what is his need. Because, sometimes, the need is to be heard, "he declared.
The multidisciplinary view was also explored from the perspective of the professors who were part of the project coordinated by Nursing professor Aidê Nunes, with Professor Selena Dubois as vice-coordinator and Professor Milena Lisboa as researcher and member of the management group, from the undergraduate and graduate courses. graduate program in Psychology and Health Interventions, in addition to having Maria Antonieta Araújo (REAI), Bernardo Galvão and Fernanda Grassi as consultant professors. "The main objective of this project was to promote person-centered interprofessional care, with the patient as protagonist, who, in this case, occupies the role of mentor educator", declared Aidê Nunes. The Health Mentors project will be carried out again. New registrations will open soon.
Explore new possibilities for approaching the treatment of patients with HTLV.
The program was managed by the Nursing course and had students and professors from all courses of the Bahiana.
Research and Innovation
The initiative has a partnership with the Maria Emília Foundation.
Amount raised will benefit charities.