

Bahiana holds II International Symposium Children and Vulnerabilities

The event was broadcast live on YouTube and brought together specialists with work in Brazil and other countries.


With images by Di Cavalcani and the sound of the song "Mainha" by Chico Buarque, the II International Symposium on Childhood and Vulnerabilities opened, which took place on June 15 and 16, with live transmission on the official channel of the Bahiana, on Youtube. The program included lectures, round tables and the participation of national and international guests. The opening had the speeches of the coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Psychology and Health Interventions, Mônica Daltro, of the coordinator of the Psychology course, Sylvia Barreto, and of the coordinators of the event, Isabella Queiroz and Andréa Diniz.

"Childhood, Diaspora and Contemporaneity" was the theme of the opening lecture given by Ilária Pirone, a member of the Psychopedagogical Medical Center of the University of Paris 8, where she develops the "exile clinic". His speech was followed by the round table "Challenges of the Clinic in the Face of Vulnerability", with the speeches "TEA, importance of school inclusion: a case study", presented by the professor of the faculty of Psychology at UNEB Larissa Ornellas, and by " The child and the temporary shelter", with the psychoanalyst Lia Batista, who works at the Delafontaine Hospital in Paris.

"Diálogos da Floresta: the future of the mothers of the Amazon" was the theme of the third table, mediated by the former student of Bahiana and psychologist Júlia Baleeiro and which had the speech of the professor at the Federal University of Ceará, nurse, master and doctor in Public Health Márcia Machado, whose presentation was about the "Universal Right to Childhood". In the evening, the symposium resumed its activities with the presentation of the table "Medicalization and Biopower - Neoliberal Policies", with the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Inês Catão, who brought the theme "Latrogenic use of diagnosis and neoliberalism". The second speech of the evening was that of psychiatrist Eduardo Ledo, who addressed the theme "Medicalization and control of life: limits and applications of psychopharmacology in childhood".

See how the second day of the symposium went.

Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública