"Precariousness of the childhood care network" was the theme of the opening table of the second day of the II International Symposium on Childhood and Vulnerabilities, held by Bahiana on June 15th and 16th, in a remote format, broadcast on YouTube. Mediated by psychologist Lua Cal, the first panel of the day had a speech by the prosecutor for children and youth in Salvador, Carlos Martheo Guanaes, who discussed the topic "Dismantling public policies and effects on child care". Then, the social worker and institutional supporter in mental health for the Municipal Health Secretariat Isabel Barbosa shared her experiences in the CAPS service. "What mobilized the theme of this symposium was precisely the fraying of the network. We have nowhere to refer these children to be assisted. We need public policies for childhood", pointed out, in his speech, Andréa Diniz, coordinator of the event alongside the Prof. Isabella Queiroz.
The second table brought as its theme "Medicalization and diagnosis – Who is it for?" and featured the lecture "Between suffering and medicalization: dilemmas of child psychiatry in the post-pandemic", by UERJ professor Rossano Cabral Lima. Prof. Rossano shared the table with the professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana and coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Autism Research Laboratory – Labyrinth, Dr. Milena Pondé, who presented the question "Who is the diagnosis for?". The table was mediated by Edna Bittelbrunn.
The event ended with the conference “Childhood and Vulnerabilities”, given by the pedagogue, founder and president of Avante Educação e Mobilização Social, Maria Thereza Oliva Marcílio de Souza, mediated by the dean of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani. “In addition to our role as health professionals, our role as citizens is valuable. This one is much bigger. Therefore, our participation in politics is very important”, pointed out the dean of the Bahiana during the debate.
The event was broadcast live on YouTube and brought together specialists with work in Brazil and other countries.
The event took place on June 6, with a return to the face-to-face format.
The event discussed the training of health professionals in terms of gender, sexuality and bioethics.