

Ginbah resumes face-to-face mode and celebrates knowledge at Campus Cabula

Gymkhana Bahiana adds knowledge and playfulness, integrating Medicine course classes.


Promote the teaching of Human Morphology and First Aid through playful and dynamic activities. This is the objective of Ginbah - Gincana da Bahiana carried out by the Medicine course, whose 2023 edition took place last Saturday (13/05), at Campus Cabula. In addition to reinforcing the learning of students in the first semester, the activity that is held annually, provides integration between the classes that were divided into the Erva Poisonous (green), Icteric (yellow), Sildenafila (blue) and Venals (red color).

"After three years suspended due to the pandemic, Ginbah resumed its face-to-face format. Being here with new students is very important for them to feel and appropriate this space. playfulness and well-being", declared the People Development coordinator and member of the event's organizing committee, Luiza Ribeiro, alongside professors André Zimmermann, who is also coordinator of the First Aid Curricular Component, and coordinators of the Intercursos Morfofuncionais Sciences Group (GCMI), Suzana Araújo and Rafael Lélis.

"Anything that has Bahiana I like to enjoy. I think Ginbah is a good way to remember things in a more dynamic and fun way. I really enjoyed participating in my school's gymkhana and that moment reminded me of the past", declared Fabiane Durán Lôpo. Another important point of the gymkhana is to encourage social awareness, through the collection of groceries. In this edition, more than 200 were collected. kg of non-perishable food (rice, beans, pasta, cornmeal, sugar, coffee, biscuits and oil), in addition to basic necessities such as washing powder, soap, toothpaste and mineral water. , Lar da Criança, with the support of Mãos Solidárias to carry out the deliveries, and for Paróquia Santa Rosa de Lima, which carries out social work with homeless people.

Winning team: ALL!


  • 1st place - Venais (red color)
  • 2nd place - Poison weed (green color)
  • 3rd place – Sildenafil (blue color)
  • 4th place – Jaundice (yellow color)

Ginbah – Gymkhana of Bahiana

Ginbah – Gymkhana of Bahiana