“The Fake News Phenomenon: A Gunpowder Trail for a Desperate and Explosive Brain”. This was the theme of the XI Physiotherapy Research Journey of the Bahiana which took place on the afternoon of September 30, broadcast live by YouTube da Bahiana🇧🇷 Coordinated by the former undergraduate student and professor of the scientific production axis at Bahiana Christina Brazil.
The first roundtable, entitled "The impact of Fake News on clinical practice and decision-making" was opened by guest professor Leonardo Costa with the lecture "How to fight the 'Age of Misinformation'". "What is the meaning of fake news scientific" was the theme of the second lecture by Prof. Luís Correia, presented in a chat format with the participation of professors Bruno Goes and Cristina Dias.
The second roundtable had the theme "The impact of Fake News on the education of future health professionals" and brought the lecture "Physical therapy practice and training in residence" with Professor Iana Verena Albuquerque, mediated by Professors Gleide Glícia Lordello and Amanda Lemos. The lecture "The impact of fake news on the development of skills of future professionals", given by the coordinator of the Physiotherapy course at Bahiana, Prof. Luciana Bilitário. The event was concluded by the roundtable, in the form of a chat, “The experiences of being a Woman and Researcher in Brazil”, with professors Élen Beatriz Pinto, Patrícia Lordelo and Cristiane Homsi Ferreira and mediation by professors Cristiane Dias and Cristina Brasil .
Watch the XI Physiotherapy Research Conference at Bahiana:
The event took place in August, in a face-to-face format.
Actions took place at the Medical Center of Bahiana.
The event will discuss the current scenario of fake news within the scope of scientific research and its impact on health professionals