species mapping

species mapping


caesalpinia pluviosa


Scientific name: caesalpinia pluviosa

Family:  Fabaceae

Origin: Atlantic Forest, Brazil.

popular names: black heart, false redwood, sibipiruna, among others.

Natural occurrence: some Brazilian states such as Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Pernambuco, among others.

Features: in tupi-guarani, sibipiruna means “black bark root”. It is an evergreen tree, semideciduous and indifferent to the physical conditions of the soil, it can reach dimensions close to 28m in height. It occurs both inside the primary forest and in open formations, flowering from the end of August and extending until mid-November, the fruit maturation occurs between July and September. In addition, it annually produces a large amount of viable seeds.

Usage: It is very suitable for reforestation, environmental preservation, urban afforestation, landscaping or domestic planting. Despite this potential, the species is on the list of Brazilian species threatened with extinction due to large-scale extractive exploitation.

Source: https://www.ibflorestas.org.br/