species mapping

species mapping


Manilkara sapota L.


Scientific name: Manilkara sapota L.

Family: Sapotaceae

Origin:  Central America.

popular names: sapota.

Natural occurrence: subtropical climate of Asia, America and Oceania.

Features: in the regions of origin it is called “tzapotl” by the Aztecs. It had very good adaptation in practically all of Brazil, being planted from the south of the State of São Paulo to the Amazon region. Medium-sized tree, reaching up to 15 m. Its fruit, the sapodilla, has a thin skin, and its pulp is tender and very sweet, containing a gelatinous substance that gives it a unique aroma.

Usage: wood is used in carpentry; the latex from the trunk and branches are used to manufacture chewing gum, tool handles and furniture. The tree, due to its size, canopy diversity and shade it provides, has great potential for use in parks and gardens.

Sources: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapotizeiro; https://www.scielo.br/j/rbf/