species mapping
Scientific name: American Persea Mill
Family: Lauraceae
Origin: Native to Central America (Mexico) and some regions of South America.
Natural occurrence: Central America; South America; In Brazil, it is in all states, mainly in the North.
Popular names: abocado, avocado, palta, bego, avocado-blonde and avocado-blonde.
Features: the avocado tree, whose fruit is the avocado, is a large, fast-growing evergreen tree, reaching over 30 meters in height. It has leathery, lanceolate and glossy leaves and small flowers (5mm to 10mm in diameter) of a whitish green. The fruits are ovoid or pear-shaped drupes (pear-shaped), with a dark green skin and a creamy, sweet, fat-rich pulp, light green or yellowish in color, with a single large spherical seed, 3cm to 5cm in diameter. .
Usage: Avocado is a very rich nutritional source. Some health benefits are helping to hydrate and maintain the health of the skin and hair, as it has vitamins from the B and E complex.
It is among the 71 medicinal plants authorized for use by the Ministry of Health. Thus, avocado is used to treat wounds, inflammation and canker sores. However, its effectiveness extends to treating anemia, tonsillitis, diarrhea, headaches, gas, tuberculosis, varicose veins, abscesses, liver problems, hepatitis, worms, poor digestion, anxiety, stress, hyperactivity and dyspepsia.
Source: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persea_americana; https://www.beneficiosdasplantas.com.br/abacateiro; https://www.tuasaude.com/beneficios-do-abacate/