

Live discussed the choice of health care as a profession

Chat was attended by the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Lato Sensu, Dr. Maria de Lourdes Freitas Gomes and the director of the Couto Maia Institute, Dr. Ceuci Nunes.


"Choosing the Health Area" was the theme of the live in which the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Lato Sensu, Dr. Maria de Lourdes Freitas Gomes, received the former student, adjunct professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana and director of the Couto Maia Institute, Dr. Ceuci Nunes. A highlight in the teachers' speech was the importance of the work developed in a multidisciplinary way in the health area. "The health professions are all very important. Each one has its specificity, but all are based on caring for the other or caring for the population and this knowledge is intertwined for the good of the patient," said Dr. Ceuci Nunes.

Dr. Ceuci also told about her experience at the head of the Couto Maia Institute, a reference unit in the treatment of COVID-19, during the pandemic. She highlighted once again the importance of the multidisciplinary team, in the various health segments, both in the treatment of the disease in its acute stage and in the post-covid, such as physical therapists and physical education professionals.

Still on the pandemic, the doctor who is an infectious disease specialist drew attention to the importance of vaccination and the maintenance of health safety protocols such as the use of masks, alcohol gel, social distancing and reaffirmed the decisive role of the Unified Health System. Health throughout the pandemic.

"One last thing I would like to say is that we talk a lot about technology, about robots replacing, but healthcare professionals will be the last to be – if they will be, I believe not – replaced by robots because the we have something that is the conversation, the welcoming, the touch that no robot will replace us", declared Dr. Ceuci Nunes.

Watch the full chat: