Institutional Purpose

Institutional Purpose

Fully developing people is the goal of this educational institution. And this purpose goes beyond qualifying professionals. THE Bahiana it aims to train people to exercise citizenship, through the promotion of science and culture. This is only possible from a strategic vision of education, in which, to become a reference, an institution must have the production of knowledge, technological development, innovation and extension as permanent axes of the activities of its faculty. The exchange with other institutions that make up the CTI (science, technology and innovation) ecosystem, both national and international, is also a fundamental element of the CTI policy. Bahiana.

Mission, vision and values

Our Mission
To be an educational institution dedicated to the health area, training qualified professionals based on ethical and humanistic principles and values, in an individualized and transdisciplinary perspective.

Fulfill its social responsibility, contributing to sociocultural and environmental development, seeking to meet society's demands, based on differentiated teaching, research and extension actions.

Our Vision
To be a university dedicated to health, a national and international reference, with excellence in teaching, research, extension and consulting.

Our values
To serve:

  • Be available to listen and welcome people in their differences, demands and needs, committing to the resolution and to the institution's code of ethics.
  • Make use, promptly, of all the possibilities and alternatives of the set of services offered by the institution and, when this is not possible, give responsible referral in the search for a solution.
  • Faced with new situations/problems, seek innovative solutions and/or alternatives.


  • Be responsible for your work process, acting proactively and persistently in the search for solutions and alternatives to problems, generating results for everyone involved.
  • Be open to changes and new ideas, committing to transformation processes.
  • See problems as challenges and opportunities for personal, professional and institutional growth.

 Learn and Teach:

  • Make yourself available to learn from mistakes and successes, sharing your experience and contributing to the personal and professional development of everyone, strengthening the institution as a learning community.

To communicate:

  • Communicate frankly and objectively, ensuring transparency and the necessary understanding for quality interpersonal and institutional relationships, adding credibility to relationships and mutual respect.