

Strike Report

 Suspended activities


A BAHIANA informs everyone that, unfortunately, academic, administrative and assistance activities had to be suspended from 15 pm today, due to the problems that affect our state. As we do not have evening courses, this assessment can only be done this morning.  

We hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found for a full return to activities, possibly on April 22nd. We understand the difficulties encountered by students to move around the city and, therefore, we reaffirm that there will be no harm in terms of absences or evaluations, as well as there will be no harm for employees who were unable to travel to work. Each course will endeavor to minimize the effects of absence.

We are grateful for the presence and support of the teachers, coordinators and employees of the school and take the opportunity to ask for the understanding of the entire academic community and, in particular, of our patients who moved from their homes and could not be assisted.
