

Dentistry students present work at an international congress

A case study carried out at ADAB was the theme of the research.


The students of the Dentistry course at Bahiana Rafaela Silva Oliveira and Aline Manuela da Cunha Ramos and professors Francisco Xavier Paranhos Coelho Simões and Carla Figueiredo Brandão, along with student from the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS), Viktor Carvalho, participated in the 32nd International Dental Congress in São Paulo (CIOSP), the largest dental event in Latin America. The delegation presented the work "Functional Aesthetic Space Maintainer: case report", a clinical case experienced at the Teaching-Care Outpatient Clinic of Bahiana (Dentistry) by Professor Francisco Simões.

The work was presented in panel format. According to academic Rafaela Oliveira, the work was aimed at improving knowledge on the subject, sharing the content, promoting the exchange of experiences, in addition to demonstrating the results obtained in the treatment of the patient.


“We would like to thank the institution for the opportunity, support and collaboration, for providing us with professors who guide us, showing commitment and satisfaction, seeking to improve our knowledge, which awakened us to the importance of this work for our professional life,” said the student.