

Angels of Nursing 2014

 Check the selected list.


Check the final result of the selection for the program Angels of Nursing 2014. There are 8 permanent staff and 8 substitutes, from the two Universidades do Bem. The selection took place between the 10th and 13th of December, at the COREN-Ba headquarters.




01. Dicla Sousa (UNIME)

02. Fabiane Nascimento Nunes (BAHIANA)

03. Tamires Sales of Paintings (BAHIANA)

04. Vivia Rodrigues (UNIME)

05. Andreza Lima de Souza (BAHIANA)

06. Samuel Cunha de Jesus (UNIME)

07. Mariana Nascimento Valverde Alonso (BAHIANA)

08. Jaqueline Evangelista (UNIME)




09. Ana Caroline Ribeiro Lopes dos Santos (BAHIANA)

10. Jaqueline Jesus Sanches (BAHIANA)

11. Isadora Oliveira Reis Santos (BAHIANA)

12. Jamille T. Miranda Palma (UNIME)

13. Tássia Santos Rodrigues (BAHIANA)

14. Yasmim Brandao (UNIME)

15. Letícia de Matos Silva (UNIME)

16. Estelita Oliveira Costa (UNIME) 


Angels of Nursing 2014