

Mascot of the Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana discovers artist in the canteen of the Academic Unit Brotas

Canteen employee presents to Bahiana with sculpture of the butterfly.


The cook Simone Pinheiro de Oliveira surprised the direction of Bahiana, a few weeks ago, with an unusual gift: a sculpture by Borbeleguim! Made up of vegetables, the piece is a reproduction of the mascot of Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana which, for some years, has illustrated the ideals of the event.

Simone Pinheiro de Oliveira

The employee of the canteen of the Academic Unit Brotas says that he never took any art course and that he learned to express his talent just by watching a colleague at his old job. She says she heard from her sister, the administrative employee, Mônica Pinheiro de Oliveira Barbosa, a story about an employee of the Bahiana who participated in an event at the School dressed as a Borbeleguim (a mixture of butterfly and penguin) and was inspired to create the statuette. 



Bahiana thanks Simone for the tribute!

Check out some moments of Borboleguim in the Pedagogical Forum.