

PROGRAF: new air in the fight against tobacco

Bahiana launches Smoker Support Program.


In order to help smokers on the arduous path of giving up smoking, Bahiana launched, in June this year, the Smoker Support Program - PROGRAF. Service is simple, without bureaucracy. The interested party must seek the Occupational Therapy Service of the Teaching-Care Outpatient Clinic of the BahianaOn Brotas, to sign up and receive the support of health professionals who will help you on this journey.

It is known that an increasing amount of information about the social, political, economic and environmental harm is caused by tobacco. In addition, there is also passive smokers, those who, even opting for a healthier life, are obliged to bear the burden of this harmful exposure.

To enroll, the interested party must contact the Occupational Therapy Service at Bahiana, by phone (3276-8267) or in person. The work involves the cognitive-behavioral approach in groups guided by professors Ubton Nascimento and Maristela Sestelo and their students, in addition to individual consultations. Drug treatment is provided by the Municipal Health Department, in partnership with the Sanitary District of Brotas.