

NUTESB conducts teleclass

Speaker talks about the importance of e-health.


Email? E-world? And e-health? The name may seem new, but the concept is quite old, according to the specialist in health informatics, Dr. Renato Marcos Endrizzi Sabbatini, who spoke for over an hour and a half to graduate students who were gathered in the videoconference room at the Educational Technologies Development Center at Bahiana (CEDETE), last Friday afternoon. The teleclass was a realization of the Telemedicine and Telehealth Center of the Bahiana (NUTESB), instance coordinated by Prof. Dr. Marta Menezes, with the support of CEDETE, coordinated by Prof. Antonio Carlos Costa.

Speaking directly from the Edumed Institute, in Campinas (SP), which he presides over, Dr. Renato Marcos Endrizzi Sabbatini did it, especially for the public at Bahiana, an explanation of the intense evolution of technology aimed at health care, but making clear the paradox with which the area lives in relation to medical records, which are still analogical today.

The speaker introduced the audience to new possibilities for storing and sharing data on the history of patients, through the automation of information from medical records.