

Telepsychiatry GIS holds symposium

The event took place via videoconference and addressed stress, anxiety and their consequences.


On March 22, undergraduate students and professors from Bahiana participated in the II National Symposium on Videoconferencing: Stress, Anxiety and Its Consequences, which was broadcast in the videoconference room of the Educational Technologies Center of the Bahiana (CEDETE). The initiative integrates the actions of the Telepsychiatry SIG (Special Interest Group, in Portuguese) which, nationally, is coordinated by Prof. Jerson Laks, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

The program brought as speakers Prof. Dr. Daniel Pagnin, from Universidade Federal Fluminense, who presented the theme “Stress in medical education”; Dr. Annibal Campos Truzzi Pires da Silva, with the lecture “Burnout in caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease” and the professor at Bahiana, Dr. Milena Pondé, who presented the theme “Psychiatric symptoms in parents of autistic children”.