

Bahiana in ENEPET XII

Participation generates partnerships.


The city of Fortaleza hosted, from March 14th to 17th, the XII Northeastern Meeting of PET Groups, an event that was attended by more than 100 groups of Tutorial Education Programs spread throughout the region. THE Bahiana was represented by the groups PET Odonto and PET Biomedicina. "At this meeting, two works by PET Biomedicina and one by PET Odonto were presented, both being highly praised. And we have already signed partnerships with PETs from other states interested in our work", says the professor of Biomedicine, Sidney Santana.

More than 700 students participated in the meeting, where issues relevant to the reality of the groups and their actions were debated within the triad that makes up the PET pillar – teaching, research and extension.

In the Tutorial Education Program, the groups are composed of students and a tutor who, together, carry out projects based on collective and interdisciplinary tutorial learning. "The program aims to improve graduation in the most diverse aspects and thus obtain training based on the development of academic activities of excellence, without forgetting to also seek more professional qualification and to be within the academy engaged in social causes", explains Prof. .Sidney.

During the XII ENEPET, the participants were led to reflect and discuss the PET ideology, considering its existence premises, in the context of higher education, as well as to think about its contribution in general in graduation, "in addition to proposing a look at the current moment, with the renovations that took place through its expansion and which impacts will be evidenced in the different courses of the universities affected by the program", completes Santana.