

Psychology in Bahiana

Course coordination opens the semester with a round table.


"Freedom and the productions of the subject". This is the theme of the roundtable that will take place next Friday, February 1st, at the Academic Unit Brotas, at 8 am. To compose the table, the Bahiana receives the adjunct professor at the Institute of Letters of the Federal University of Bahia (Department of German Letters), Denise Carrascosa França; the doctoral student in Literature - Linguistics at UFBA/UNIOESTE, Lucielen Porfirio and the doctor in Theories and Criticism of Literature and Culture, José Henrique de Freitas dos Santos.

Round table
Freedom and the subject's productions


Academic Unit Brotas

8am to 9:30am

Free entrance


Denise Carrascosa France
: adjunct professor at the Institute of Letters of the Federal University of Bahia (Department of German Letters). Bachelor of Arts and Law from the Faculty of Law at UFBA. Master and Doctor in Theories and Criticism of Literature and Culture by the Instituto de Letras da UFBA.

Jose Henrique de Freitas dos Santos: Adjunct Professor of Portuguese Language at the Federal University of Bahia, Ph.D. in Theories and Criticism of Literature and Culture, professor of the Graduate Program in Literature and Culture at ILUFBA.

Lucielen Porfirio: Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of West Paraná (2000) and Master in Letters - Language and Society from the State University of West Paraná (2006). Doctoral Student in Letters - Linguistics at UFBA/UNIOESTE.