

Nursing students participate in Health Fair

Event promotes several health education actions.


Students of the Nursing course at Bahiana participated, last November 10, in the Health Fair of the Paróquia Santo Antônio, which took place in Jardim Armação. The event had as its main objective to promote health education and, for this, a series of lectures was held involving the themes: pharmacology, medication and breastfeeding, medication in pregnancy, medication and the elderly, breastfeeding and childhood vaccines, adequate nutrition, breast cancer, oral hygiene, personal hygiene and self-care in health promotion.

Topics such as the prevention of breast cancer, sexually transmitted diseases and the use of condoms were addressed by the professor of the Nursing course, Ana Paula Vidal, with the support of academics Anna Clara Paim, Briane Montegro Sampaio and Ana Beatriz de Araújo.

In addition to learning new health concepts, visitors also had access to dental services, blood glucose measurement, BMI, blood pressure and skin hygiene. Stretching sessions were also promoted and relaxing massages were offered.