

Science Without Borders Program

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If you are a student and would like to expand your knowledge through an academic exchange in another country, the Science Without Borders program is a good opportunity for this purpose.

The initiative is from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MEC), CNPq, CAPES and MEC's ​​Secretariats of Higher Education and Technological Education, and aims to promote consolidation, expansion and internationalization science and technology, innovation and Brazilian competitiveness through exchange and international mobility.

Interested academics should contact their respective course coordinator for the necessary information and guidance. There is also the individual application, and the School is responsible for its approval. In this case, students must also be aware of the criteria established by the program, such as being regularly enrolled in the course of origin; have been classified with a grade in the National High School Exam (ENEM) with at least 600 points - in the case of individual applications; have good academic performance and have completed 20% of the curriculum planned for the undergraduate course.

The priority areas for Science Without Borders are: Engineering and other technological areas; Exact and Earth Sciences; Renewable energy; Mineral Technology; Training of Technologists; Biotechnology; Oil, Gas and Mineral Coal; Nanotechnology and New Materials; Sustainable Agricultural Production; Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Technologies; Drugs; Biodiversity and Bioprospecting; Aerospace Technology; Marine Sciences; Computing and Information Technologies; Creative Industry (focused on products and processes for technological development and innovation); New Technologies in Constructive Engineering; Biology, Biomedical and Health Sciences.

To learn more about the program click here.