

Marketing Consultant and Financial Director at Bahiana participate in Forum

5th Forum of Financial Executives for Private Education Institutions in Brazil discusses attracting new students.


The financial director of Bahiana, Emanoel Olímpio, and the Marketing consultant, Margarida Soliani, participated, on August 29 and 30, in the 5th Forum of Financial Executives for Private Education Institutions in Brazil (FinancIES), in São Paulo. The event, which brought together managers from the main private universities in Brazil, had as its main theme "More Students! The financial manager of the IES as a promoter of the retention and attraction of students".

The program included the lectures: "Advertising as a foundation for retaining and attracting students", given by publicist Washinton Olivetto; "Corporate education – successful agreements and partnerships"; delivered by the Colonel of the Military Brigade of RS, Altair de Freitas Cunha and "The new middle class", presented by the publicist André Torretta.

"The information transmitted was of great relevance. The lectures had a high level and the contact with the sponsors who presented us with interesting solutions was also important", emphasized Emanoel Olimpo.

To the Marketing Consultant at Bahiana, the main content was the importance of social media and the internet. "These debates, as well as the conference that addressed the profile of the new middle class, were very productive. In general, the event provided interesting discussions", commented Margarida Soliani.

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