

Life Cycle Development is the theme of an Event at Bahiana

Psychology students and professors share experiences and put into practice the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method. 


On the morning of last Friday, August 24th, the courtyard of the Academic Unit Brotas it was occupied by hundreds of students of the Psychology course who participated in the “I Journey of the Development of the Life Cycle”, in commemoration of the Day of the Psychologist. In addition to the students, teachers and tutors from the Bahiana, including the coordinator of the Psychology course, Prof. Mônica Daltro.

As a special guest, the psychologist and lawyer Dr. Graça Belov shared with students and teachers remarkable experiences in her life, which served as a starting point for broader reflections on Life Cycle Development and the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method ). For the 4th semester student, Ana Calmon, the XNUMXst Journey “was enriching, above all because of the sharing and exchange of experiences among students, guests and professors”. 

At the end of the event, which featured a presentation by the Choir Bahiana, the coordinator of the meeting, Prof. Anabela Queiroz, was quite satisfied with the results obtained: “This morning, expectations were met and exceeded because our students proved the skills we seek to foster in the classroom: analysis capacity, critical skills, communication skills, clarity of ideas and, above all, the ability to articulate theory and practice“, he highlights.