

Specialization in Implantology

Course for dentists is open until September 14th.


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Preparing dentists registered with the Regional Council of Dentistry/Sessão Bahia (CROBA) who wish to work in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the oral health of patients with tooth loss can enroll, until September 14, in the specialization course in implantology offered by the Postgraduate, Research and Extension Coordination of Bahiana.

Lasting 26 months, the course also aims to improve the use of surgical techniques for prosthesis over implants and for maintaining peri-implant health. The syllabus will comprise topics such as bioethics, biology of oral tissues, occlusion, pre-clinical surgery and prosthesis laboratories, pharmacology, among others.

The course will be coordinated by Dr. Maurício Barretto and Me. Morbeck dos Santos Leal Júnior. Enrollment will be carried out at the secretariats of the Graduate, Research and Extension Coordination of Academic Units Brotas and Cabula and information by tels. (71) 3276 8265 / 3257 8206 and through the website