

Nursing students participate in the 15th CBCENF

Students present papers.


Earlier this month, students from the Nursing course at Bahiana participated in the 15th Brazilian Congress of Nursing Councils, in Fortaleza - CE. The members of the Angels of Nursing Program, Gabriela Azevedo, Jéssyca Santana, Laís Guimarães and Maria Angélica Barreto presented the work "The Nursing Angels facing the death of children with cancer: an experience report from the Bahia nucleus", supervised by prof. Thais Calazans.

Another work presented during the congress was "Mortality due to external causes in Bahia and Salvador", by students Tatiane de Souza Mançú, Maiara de Menezes Rabelo, Lídia Cíntia de Jesus Silva and Silvaneide Ferreira dos Santos, under the guidance of professor Lilian Marinho .