

Nursing student participates in congress

Meanings of obesity is the subject of his work.


Academician Tássia Teles, student of the 8th semester of the Nursing course at Bahiana, presented the poster Meanings of obesity: nursing care for obese patients, at the XXIV Congress of Cardiology of the State of Bahia, which took place from May 30th to June 2nd, at Bahia Othon Palace. 


Tássia Teles, student of the 8th semester of the Nursing course at Bahiana.

The study is part of your course completion work and is the result of your participation in the Research Group for the Study of Excess Weight (PEPE). Tássia had as advisors the professor of the Nursing course, Cátia Palmeira, the supervisor of the Obesity Outpatient Clinic (which works at the ADAB), Prof. Dr. Maria de Lourdes Lima, Dr. Ana Marice Teixeira Ladeia and the coordinator of the Project, Dr. Armênio Guimarães, the three being professors of the Medicine course.