

student health

Bahiana launches an assessment and prevention project for postural problems.


Bahiana, through its Physiotherapy course, launched the project in April student health. Innovative action, the initiative consists of the diagnosis of postural disorders in students aged between 15 and 20 years, high school students and with at least 10 years of student life.

In practice, Physiotherapy students will carry out, accompanied by their teachers, visits to secondary schools when they will be able to assess the students, draw a diagnosis and a prevention and/or correction plan for the postural disorders found, ensuring the possibility of adults and the elderly healthier and more independent.

A first contact with directors of the Anglo Brasileiro, Batista Brasileiro, Portinari, São Paulo and Sacramentinas schools took place at the end of April at the Academic Unit Brotas with a presentation made by the coordinator of the Physiotherapy course, Prof. Roseny Ferreira.

Check out the photos and keep following the next news about the project.