

Cedete hosts another videoconference

TelePsychiatry GIS addresses the urban aspect of drug addiction.


On May 18, starting at 10 am, the Center for the Development of Educational Technologies (CEDETE) will host another videoconference within the University Telemedicine Network. This time, the Telepsychiatry GIS will present the lecture Drug addiction and the Metropolis: The Use of Crack in the City of Salvador, which will be given by Professor Esdras Cabus and will have the participation of Professor Dr. Milena Pondé, as a mediator.

SIGs (Special Interest Groups) are Special Interest Groups, in which health professionals from institutions belonging to the University Telemedicine Network (RUTE) set up a videoconference agenda to discuss Teaching, Research and Assistance topics.

Prof. Dr. Ezra Cabus
He holds a degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Bahia (1990), a specialization in Drugs Prevention And Education from Liverpool John Moores University (2000), a specialization in Certification as a Tobacco Treatment Specialist from the Mayo Clinic and Foundation (2006), a master's degree in Public Health from the Universidade Federal da Bahia (1997), Master of Health Science from Johns Hopkins University (2003) and improvement in Hubert Humphrey Fellowship from Johns Hopkins University (2002). He is currently a physician at the Bahia State Department of Health, a psychiatrist at the Psychiatric Clinic, coordinator at the Federal University of Bahia and a researcher at the Center for the Study and Therapy of Drug Abuse. He has experience in Medicine, with emphasis on Psychiatry, working mainly on the following subjects: Urban Health, Urbanism, Drug addiction, Mental Health.

Dr. Milena Pereira Ponde
Graduated in Medicine from Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (1984-1989), specialist in psychiatry with residency at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) (1990-1992), Master in Collective Health at the Institute of Collective Health (ISC) of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) (1994-1996) , PhD in Public Health at ISC-UFBA (1996-2000), with a sandwich doctorate at Douglas Hospital, McGill University, Montreal-Canada (1998-1999). Postdoctoral fellow in the Division of Social and Cultural Psychiatry at McGill University, Montreal-Canada (2009-2010). She is a postgraduate advisor in Medicine, adjunct professor of the Psychology and Medicine courses at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Autism.

Telepsychiatry Sig


10 h

Drug addiction and the Metropolis: The Use of Crack in the City of Salvador

Federal Fluminense University

Prof. Ezra Cabus

Moderator at Bahiana
Professor Dr. Milena Pondé