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60-year history of Bahiana schedule freshmen reception


In a festive atmosphere, new students are welcomed at the Cabula Academic Unit

Another warm welcome to the new students of the Bahiana took place this Monday, January 30, at the Cabula Academic Unit. Guided by Theme Building Bridges, more than 200 students attended the meeting when they were able to learn a little more about the history of the institution, the team of professionals who will serve them, including teachers, course coordinators, employees of the pedagogical supervision and the Psychopedagogical Care Center (NAPP), teams from different sectors, such as the Center for the Development of Educational Technologies (CEDETE), the Communication and Marketing Center (NUCOM) and the Institutional Relationship Center (RELACI).

The NAPP manager, Prof. Angélica Mendes, started the morning by explaining the meaning and importance of the bridge in the construction of the contemporary individual. Then, the new Bahians were welcomed with music, in a sublime performance by the Coral da Bahiana. The meeting was attended by the director of Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, from the People Development coordinator, Luiza Ribeiro, from the course coordinators Prof. Geraldo Ferraro (Biomedicine), Prof. Urbino Tunes (Dentistry), Prof. Marta Menezes (Medicine), Prof. Mônica Daltro (Psychology), Prof. Roseny Ferreira (Physiotherapy) and Prof. Carolina Pedroza, representing the coordinator Maria de Lourdes de Freitas Gomas (Nursing ).

During the first part of the meeting, held at the Convention Center Auditorium, the People Development coordinator Prof. Luiza introduced the entire team, an opportunity much appreciated by the new students of the School. "This meeting is another innovation of Bahiana. Sometimes, there are people who think it's not necessary, but I think it's very important because you already get to know the mentality of the course. It's also cool, because we break that atmosphere of intense studies in the period before the entrance exam. I really enjoyed meeting those who will be watching us”, said student Leonardo Matthew, 24, a freshman in Medicine.

On the occasion, the students were also able to meet the CEDETE manager, Antonio Carlos Costa, the Postgraduate, Research and Extension coordinator, Prof. Dr. Kátia Sá and the Administration and Finance coordinator, Emanoel Olimpio Alves de Souza. In addition to the new students, parents were also present at the meeting, which featured a video, introducing the entire institutional team.

Bahiana 60 years

“For 60 years, we have been building and rebuilding ourselves in a movement of continuous change. Heraclitus used to say that the only permanent thing that exists is change”. Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani declared, in her words of welcome. She also highlighted that “the focus of the School is not simply training professionals, but training young adults. Thus, we work in the process of training people committed to the collective, with responsibility towards the people who will take care of them and who will deal with them throughout their lives”.

60 years of Bahiana they count as an important differential, according to the freshman of Medicine, Larissa Balbi Ataídes. "I think that being able to live for as long with a name and recognition as the Bahiana it's a great achievement. It is a quality school that has been training professionals in various areas of health", congratulates.


Another point raised by freshmen was the Formative Selection Process (PROSEF). More than liking it, PROSEF was decisive in the life of Thais Almeida Cruz Azevedo. The 19-year-old opted for Dentistry thanks to her experience during the selection process. “I decided to study Dentistry because of the activities of the experience. I came to take the entrance exam to do it, as I had done it for Medicine and had not been approved. But the experience made me see that there is not only Medicine in the health area and, suddenly, I found myself doing something else and being very happy”, she says. The PROSEF format of the Bahiana also helped student Cristiane Almeida, 33 years old, approved for the Biomedicine course. “With the experience, I was able to better understand the role of the biomedic. I believe that these activities help, both in the performance and in the training of the professional", says.

“Both the Training Selection Process and today's reception were very important. We could feel the atmosphere of joy and closeness. I really liked it a lot”, said, from the top of its two meters, the new Physiotherapy student, Rafael da Anunciação Rodrigues, 18 years old. “I thought the selection process was very nice because I got to know the coordinator of my course, who talked about how everything works, talked about the research part. We were also able to meet colleagues and teachers. I thought this first contact was very important", says Gabriele Correia, 19, a freshman in Psychology.

There were also those who could not participate in PROSEF and had, at the freshmen reception, their first contact with the institution, a moment no less important. “I missed the test time and I was very sad. I thought I had already missed the opportunity. But vacancies for admission via Enem and my mother signed me up without my knowing. To my surprise, I was selected and today I am here”, who tells the story is Trasila Santos. At only 17 years old, she is the youngest bahiana of the Nursing course.

Prof. Luiza Ribeiro also highlighted the continuous support that students receive throughout the course with the performance of the pedagogical supervisions of each course and of the NAPP. "The student of Bahiana you can contact us if you wish to discuss any aspect of your training”.

The event had the participation of the Master in Education José Carlos Rego, affectionately known as Mestre Pinduca, describing the popular manifestation known as arrival. From it, an activity based on the Sailors' Parties was developed, “a way of making symbolic bridges”, as listed the master.

The students, divided into groups, rehearsed and performed a performance with musical instruments, clothing and lots of rhythm, thus ending this first moment of reception of the Bahiana to your freshmen.



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