

Emotional Competence, Ethics and Motivation

Meeting of collaborators from ADAB units works by Serving


“In your work, you leave fingerprints”. The words are from Prof. Antônio Silvestre that followed as a kind of motto during the morning of last Saturday, January 14th, when the Emotional Competence, Ethics and Motivation training took place, aimed at employees of the Teaching-Care Clinic of the Bahiana. The phrase, recalling an episode from the CSI series, actually refers to marks, impressions, milestones and achievements that can be achieved during work activities.
"The idea is to take advantage of the beginning of the year to promote a moment of reflection on the practice with the processes developed on a daily basis, especially in dealing with internal customers, teachers and students and external ones, in the case of users of our services", explains the director of ADAB, Prof. Dr. Eliana de Paula. According to her, the meeting also aimed to develop, in the culture of employees, one of the values ​​worked by Bahiana. “We selected 'Serving' as a value to be worked on in this meeting, as we are committed to social responsibility and we seek to put into practice ideals such as caring, welcoming with the most motivated professionals”.

111 employees from a total of 210, linked to the ADAB units participated in the training (Brotas and Cabula) that serve an audience of 80% through the Unified Health Service (SUS), health plans and private individuals (20%). the outpatient clinic Brotas serves the community of the Historic Center, Barra, Rio Vermelho and Brotas, in addition to people referred from other regions of the city and other municipalities in Bahia.

For Rosemary Rebouças, an employee of the Student and Teacher Service (SAAP), “a motivated employee believes in himself. Sometimes he is withdrawn because he thinks his peers and bosses don't believe him. He has to believe. This is motivation”. Although she is not a member of the ADAB team, this employee who has been working for eight months at Bahiana made a point of participating in the training.

The program included activities of experience and moments of reflection led by Prof. Antônio Silvestre and the coordinator of the Psychology Service at the ADAB, Sylvia Barreto. Silvestre pointed out, in his speech, as components of emotional competence: self-knowledge, self-control, self-motivation, empathy and sociability and also called attention to the importance of preparing for the job market, as well as dealing with the different profiles of clients , colleagues, bosses and subordinates.

 “The moment I really enjoyed was Professor Silvestre's lecture. What he said has everything to do with our daily lives. Furthermore, the message of loving your neighbor more than yourself has the necessary faith to reach our goal”. The testimony is from Antônio Marcos dos Santos, SUS receptionist, who has been with the company for 10 years.

Taking care of others was also the main point, in the opinion of Marilena Pereira Silva, an employee at Bahiana 17 years ago. “Working Happy! When we reach a very aggressive environment, we have to know how to deal with it so that it becomes calm”, gives the hint. “It's important that we can participate in these moments, because we can be together, we can listen to our colleagues”, highlights the social worker, Luciney Luz.