

National Dentist's Day

Enjoy and celebrate this day with a big smile.


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On October 25, 1884, Decree No. 9.311 was signed authorizing the creation of the first undergraduate courses in dentistry in Brazil, in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. As a way to honor this important milestone in health, the Federal Council of Dentistry made the date official as National Dentist's Day, further highlighting the importance of these professionals in our lives.

The dentist is the professional who takes care not only of the teeth, but of the health of the gums, of some facial bones, and is also responsible for treating and preventing the onset of oral diseases and teaching the correct way to perform oral hygiene. Until recently, the dentist was feared by the frightening noise of his devices, but today, with the development of more and more modern instruments, treating caries is no longer a seven-headed bug and the treatment can even be done with laser. However, many people still prefer to stay away from a dental office, for lack of information. When specialized in orthodontics, the professional performs the necessary procedures to correct the position of the teeth, using orthodontic appliances and, when necessary, extracting some of them and performing oral surgery.