

Bahiana First Class Form of Nursing

Solemnity celebrates a historic day for the Bahiana


The anxiety of four years of studies and experiments suddenly turns into a happy face on the screen that shows a video clip. What were girls and boys yesterday are now women and men, ready to exercise a profession. The anxiety hasn't gone away, it just transports itself to new and great expectations in the professional world. Joy and party marked the graduation of the 1st class of the Nursing course at Bahiana - Turma Wanda Horta - which took place last Saturday, September 17, at the Bahia Convention Center.

The ceremony was attended by the director of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, and the coordinator of the Nursing course, Prof. Maria de Lourdes de Freitas Gomes, patroness and paranymph of the group, respectively. The ceremony table also included the participation of honored professors and employees Carolina Pedroza, vice-coordinator of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Extension, Max José Luis Pimenta, Simone Cardoso Passos Carvalho, Artur Gomes Dias Lima, Lílian Fátima Barbosa Marinho, in addition to the Academic Secretary, Ednair Queiroz.

 The employees João Paulo Dantas de Almeida and João Josias Almeida Seno also received tribute. The class also paid tribute to Prof. Juliana Bezerra do Amaral and Prof. Sandro Dutra Cabral Portela who, for private reasons, could not attend the ceremony.

1st Nursing Class of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública


In his speech, the class speaker, Ivanildes Brito Rebouças narrated some of the main moments in the history of the graduating group, highlighting disciplines, the first stage, insecurities and learning. His speech was followed by the oath of profession, given by graduate Andréa Ribeiro de Oliveira Queiroz.
After the long-awaited moment of graduation, the nurses already heard the wise words of Prof. Maria de Lourdes who, in her speech, greeted the creator of the Nursing course at Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Humberto de Castro Lima. “Dr. Humberto said it was the beginning of a relationship, a meeting between the Bahiana and Nursing. Many meetings, the first professors, acquisition of books and materials (...) finally, after the visit and authorization of the MEC, on January 31, 2007, the Nursing course of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública".

Much applauded and moved, Professor Lourdinha, as she is affectionately called by teachers, staff and students, ended her speech by addressing, once again, the graduates, "until now we have walked together, we teach what we know, we indicate solid paths, the walking with firm steps, we build knowledge, the time has come to dare”.

“A night like this is always a very happy night, especially when the students of the first Nursing class at the Bahiana. We are here to celebrate and to celebrate is to remember together the story of our lives, what we went through until we got here.” Thus, the patroness of the Wanda Horta class, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa, began her words to the trainees. She also recalled Prof. Humberto when deciding to create the course. “This course was designed to be built collectively and was led by a person of great courage, Professor Lourdinha: she has courage. He had courage when receiving the invitation from Prof. Humberto to take the best Nursing course in Bahia and one of the best in Brazil”.

"I believe it was a great challenge for the Bahiana the insertion of the Nursing course, as it was for us students. We took part in courses, conferences, workshops, we showed the profile of students from Bahiana for the job market.” The pathfinder air is (now) nurse Bruno Jones.

"I see the course of Bahiana as one of the best here in Salvador and I believe that we managed to acquire a lot of knowledge in these years. I believe the school prepared us for the job market. She also gave us a vision of humanized nursing, this was always passed on by our professors - that we become human nurses, that we have a vision of the other.” The experience recounted by nurse Bianca Furlini is shared by all her former classmates and will now be a reality in the health system in Bahia.

Congratulations to the new Nurses at Bahiana!