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Photo Gallery

Child First Aid Project


The Junior Socorristas Project was launched on August 27, 2011, at Feira da Graça, an event held annually by the Parish of the same name. The objective is to bring initial notions of First Aid to young people, trying to encourage citizenship and care for others from an early age.

During the launch, Socorristas Mirins achieved great success among young people, with the participation of 27 children from 5 to 12 years old. The seven First Aid monitors, under the guidance of Professor André Zimmermann and Academic Supervisor Eduardo Varjão, did a work of awareness and action in assisting victims in need of care in a playful and pleasant way, encouraging social responsibility in the form of games , paintings and games like the famous tug of war.

It is with great pride that the Bahiana greets the participants and, especially, the Child First Aiders. Congratulations!

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