

Bahiana participates in an innovative project and changes the health communication scenario in Bahia

The iSaúde Bahia website, which has been in operation for a month, takes the production of knowledge from teachers and students at Bahiana the society.


After just over a month of being launched, the channel iHealth Bahia, member of the iBahia portal - winner of the North Northeast 2011 Propaganda Columnist Award, already reaches the average mark of one thousand daily visits. For those who don't know yet, iSaúde Bahia is a channel that provides the lay public with content focused on health, prevention and well-being in an accessible, light and relaxed language. And, most importantly, it is the result of a partnership between the Bahiana, Rede Bahia and Convergence Works.

Through the address, the user has information about all medical specialties and segments of the health area, transmitted through articles, infographics, illustrations, videos and podcasts.

All content is built by the professors and graduate students and members of the Academic Leagues of Bahiana. The institution was chosen as a content provider for the channel because of its recognized excellence in various areas of health, reflected in the quality of its undergraduate and graduate courses.

To participate, the teacher only needs to forward their topic suggestion to the Communication Nucleus of Bahiana, (email: that will give support in the construction of your content, if you deem it necessary. The same is true for Academic League students and graduate students, with the difference that the content must be approved by the respective monitor, in the case of Leagues, and advisor for the Pós work.

In order to expand access to users, iSaúde Bahia also has a page on Facebook and Twitter profile (@iSaudeBahia). Just follow and the internet user receives daily updates with health tips and links to the channel's contents.

So, what are you waiting for to pay a visit?