

GIS Telepsychiatry

CEDETE performs another videoconference.


“Differential diagnosis between neurological disease, somatization and anxiety” will be the theme of the videoconference of the Telepsychiatry SIG that will take place this Friday, May 20, from 11 am, at CEDETE.

The theme will be presented by Prof. Analuiza Camozato, from the Irmandade da Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto Alegre and by Prof. Leonardo Silveira da Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA). The videoconference will be moderated by Dr. Milena Pondé, a psychiatrist and professor of the Medicine course.
Participate and stay tuned for upcoming dates.
SIG Tele Psychiatry videoconference
Location: Headquarters of the General Coordinator of Bahiana - CEDETE's videoconference room
Address: Av. Dom João VI, nº 275, Brotas
Order date: 20/05/2011 (Friday)
Open Hours: 11h to 12h