

Angels of Nursing Program receives award

Altruism and solidarity. Concepts that are so often mentioned, but little materialized in today's society, are the basis for the work of the Anjos da Enfermagem Program, which has been making a difference in the lives of many people in Salvador.


In recognition of the dedication of nursing students who participate in the Angels of Nursing Program, the Bahiana receives, in a ceremony, which takes place at 11:1 am on Friday, April XNUMXst, at the Cabula Academic Unit, the plaque UNIVERSITY OF GOOD. The ceremony will be attended by the president of COREN-BA, Prof. Gicele Dórea, the National Coordinator of the Angels of Nursing Program, Nurse Jakeline Duarte and the director of Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Maria Luísa Soliani.

The homage is the result of playful and educational activities developed with children assisted in the pediatric oncopediatrics unit of Hospital Aristides Maltez. But it is not the first award that Anjos da Enfermagem receives this year. In February, the Bahian nucleus of the program, which, in the Bahiana, is coordinated by the professor of the Nursing course, Thais Calasans, received the Silver Award No. 3rd National Forum of Coordinators of the Angels of Nursing Program, for having fulfilled all the goals in 2010.

And the work continues. According to Prof. Thais, the group, currently composed of five students from Bahiana and three from Unime, has been carrying out, since February, weekly visits to children with cancer at Hospital Aristides Maltez. This month, a campaign was carried out that collected hygiene items for the Support Group for Children with Cancer and, in May, a new campaign is already being prepared. Stay tuned!

Angels of Nursing 2011:

Anna Cristina Ribeiro – Anja Acorn
Camila Souza – Anja Miloca
Edva Silva – Anja Borrachinha
Karina Paganucci – Anja Kaka
Laíse Santos – Anja Lalái
Lílian Renata – Anja Popcorn
Vanessa Ribeiro – Anja Tica
Viviane Souza - Angel Cocada

CLICK HERE and learn more about the Angels of Nursing Program.