

April 1 - Friday - 19pm - Lecture by Eline Kullock

This ballad you can't miss!


Tradition and Innovation is with Bahiana!

So don't miss the ball game with Eline Kullock, who just participated in the special series “Generations” from Rede Globo de Televisão, the greatest authority on the subject of Generation Y, your generation!

It is a dynamic, intelligent and very fun way to reflect on how the relationship between different generations happens and how to make the best use of it in the classroom, between parents and children and, above all, in the job market.

Oh, and bring your parents too, so who knows, they'll stop picking on you when you're plugged into your cell phone, Facebook, Messenger, Orkut, Twitter, cable, iPod, thinking you don't is doing nothing!

Lecture by ELINE KULLOCK - "Living with different generations”

Enroll you and your parents by sending your name, email and mobile number to: selective

Secure your spot:
until 29/03/2011.

71 2101 1909

Academic Unit Cabula - Av. Silveira Martins, 3386
(in front of Roberto Santos hospital)




Eline is president of Grupo Foco, a consultancy she founded 18 years ago and today has 350 employees, at its headquarters in SP and branches in the most important states in Brazil.

Graduated in business administration from FGV-RJ in 1976 and an Executive MBA from Coppead – UFRJ, Eline has also been a partner, for 13 years, at Stanton Chase Internacional, a multinational executive search company based in London.

Eline's performance is recognized in the market for her numerous lectures on topics related to Human Resources.

Eline writes articles for newspapers and magazines, discussing trends in organizations and their employees, as well as the behavior of young people and the influence of video games on their professional performance, having been a source for the national press on the subject, especially when it comes to "Generation Y ". All of its content is based on current studies and research.

His know-how is also a source of reference in HR matters for media outlets such as Gazeta Mercantil, Exame, TV Globo, Folha de São Paulo, Veja magazine, among others.




Check out Eline's interview on the Núcleo de Notícias website



Watch the compact of the talk on You Tube:

Follow the discussions on the topic on the blogs:

“Living with different generations”


A moment in history defines a culture that determines a behavior.
Based on this premise, Eline draws a humorous profile of each generation based on the historical facts, characters and values ​​that marked each one, from Veterans (born from 1922 to 1943) to Generation Y (born between 1980 and 2000).
Outlining the differences between each one, Eline Kullock helps her audience understand the dynamics of the younger generation, the one that enters the job market and will lead the veterans in a short time.

Supported by fun videos and images, Eline gives tips on how organizations, teachers, students and parents can prepare for this clash of cultures - the new diversity - in order to bring out the best in each generation. 

In order to develop such themes, Eline takes as a basis, in addition to extensive international literature, research carried out by Grupo Foco with more than 25 young people throughout Brazil.

Some lectures held:
– Rhodia

- IBM 

- ARG Group

- Volkswagen
- Value Group 

- Ericsson
- GCET (HR group) 

- random 

- Caterpillar

- Avon

- AES Eletropaulo
- Ibmec -

- State University of Londrina
- Bank of Brazil

- Bank of Brazil

- Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública -


Positive University