

Bahiana weaves new networks

Freshman reception promotes integration between students, professors and employees


Weaving, tossing and pulling the net. What Dorival Caymmi has to do with Bahiana, besides the fact that he is from Bahia? In a fishing climate, the Bahiana last Friday (28) weaved a large network connecting its new students, parents, teachers, coordinators and collaborators. As with the internet web 2.0, the watchword for the freshmen reception was integration!

Received by Professor Luiza Ribeiro, People Development Coordinator at Bahiana, parents and freshmen filled the auditorium of the Convention Center of the Bahiana, at the Cabula Academic Unit. Professor Luiza's welcome was followed by the words of the Director of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luísa Soliani.


Director of Bahiana Prof. Maria Luísa Carvalho Soliani

“We all prepare a lot to receive new students and offer what we have best: a strong, firm, strong and solid training that will prepare these people not only in the professional sphere, but also in the personal”, declared Maria Luísa, highlighting the intense activity of the School in expanding, day after day, its connections with the world. “We build this network every day. It makes and remakes itself. Every day it has a new knot in it”.

One of the most exciting moments of the morning was the performance of the Coral da Bahiana. Once again Caymmi was present, and received a special touch, a version with 'haga', in an adaptation by the Human Resources Manager of Bahaina, Telma Bastos: What is the Bahiana has?

choir of Bahiana

what the Bahiana has?
what the Bahiana has?

Has a course in health (has)
Hi have Medicine (have)
Dentistry (has)
Has Psychology (has)
Has Biomedicine (has)
Physiotherapy (has)
Has Nursing (has)
Occupational therapy (has)

There is also a postgraduate degree....!
what the Bahiana has?
How she forms so well...!
what the Bahiana has?

If you want to study the place, it's here
The place is here (bis)

And so on!!

The new students of Bahiana they were also able to review the coordinators of the undergraduate courses they met during the experience of the Training Selection Process.




A welcome was also given by the coordinator of the Psychopedagogical Care Center, Angélica Mendes who, as a fisherman, explained how the Bahiana acts in a network. “We are a big network. We work together and we are fulfilling our mission as well when we throw this net out of the Bahiana, taking our services to society”. The words were then followed by professor Maria Antonieta from the Psychology course and coordinator of the Candeal Program, a multidisciplinary initiative that serves the health district of Candeal with education and health care initiatives.

In addition, the Psychologist and former student of the Bahiana, Ludmile Deiró spoke about his experience in the program he followed from the 4th to the 10th semester. “It's integrating, connecting with the community that we see as passionate. Another thing is to notice the integration between health areas such as Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology. These integrated areas must promote the well-being of others”.

new students of Bahiana in body work

The sun and the green of the Campus do Cabula formed the scene for playful activities and work with the body. Students organized themselves into mixed groups, bringing together students from all courses, once again reinforcing integration and multidisciplinarity.


Priscila Araújo, freshman in Dentistry Luzinalva Araújo, mother of Priscila

The climate infected Luzinalva de Azevedo Araújo, mother of Priscila, a freshman in Dentistry. “I thought (the reception) was wonderful. I wish they had more parents present. I always had a good reference from Bahiana and now, seeing it up close, I am unconcerned about my daughter who is coming from Feira de Santana to live in Salvador to go to college”.

Willer Gonçalves, Medicine Freshman

“What I liked the most was the integration with the teachers I had in the experience. I wouldn't do Bahiana, but a friend of mine stopped by and told me he liked it. I decided to do it, I went and now I really think that my place is here.(...) What I saw in the network was integration. I saw that the Bahiana  it seeks for us to integrate both among colleagues, as well as with professors and staff”, declares Willer Gonçalves, a freshman in Medicine.

Ana Carolina Nobre Andrade, new Nursing student at Bahiana

Graduated in journalism and student of dentistry at another institution, the freshman of the Nursing course at Bahiana, Ana Carolina Nobre Andrade highlighted the surprise she had in the School's Selection Process. “The experience is a unique case. It's important for you to relax and go take the test more confidently the next day. And the first day here today is also unique. It's a unique experience. THE Bahiana Congratulations". And you too, Carol. THE Bahiana wishes all new students welcome and success.



Juliana Maia
Media Relation
Communication and Marketing Center
Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
(71) 8877 0702
(71) 8887 2003
(71) 2101 1919