

The search for excellence in the management of health institutions

The 6th Seminar on Management of Excellence in Health Institutions is coming. Participate.


According to data from the Ministry of Health, the healthcare network in Bahia alone has 481 hospitals and an outpatient network with 4.557 units. However, despite this expressive coverage, we observe in the news, almost daily, situations of poor quality assistance to the population. This fact exposes the size of the challenge that is to offer an excellent health service in a country with continental dimensions such as Brazil and corroborates the need for actions to promote the professionalization of managers of these institutions.

From this scenario and with the objective of bringing, through the concepts of excellence in management, more competitiveness to health institutions and motivation to their teams, the ABGC, through its Health Committee and associated institutions, promotes, on the 07th of December, the 6th Seminar on Management of Excellence in Health Institutions, from 8 am, in the auditorium of FIEB – Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia.

ABGC - Bahia Association for Competitive Management, founded in 1992, is a non-profit association, created with the objective of contributing to the dissemination of management concepts for excellence, with the support of its Supporters, from FIEB - Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia, MBC – Competitive Brazil Movement, SEBRAE, Petrobrás, National Forum of State and Sectoral Quality and Productivity Programs, National Management Network, coordinated by FNQ – National Quality Foundation and Sebrae.

The event, which targets businesspeople, managers, coordinators and supervisors of health institutions. The program covers the following topics: Experience of Hospital Vila da Serra with the Criteria for Excellence in its management; Hospital Accreditation X Assistance Safety; Process Management as a Quality Improvement Tool in the Management and Humanization of relationships in the health area, in addition to the presentation on the criteria of the Good Practices in Health Management Award.

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Dr. eliana de paula
Executive Coordinator of the Health Committee and Director of the ADAB – Teaching Assistance Clinic of BAHIANA

ABGC- Bahia Association for Competitive Management
Porto genius – Technical Coordinator of the Health Committee

doctor Taciano Campos
President of the Health Committee and Medical Director - Irmã Dulce Social Works