

Bahiana pays tribute to the day of the Physiotherapist

Check the testimonies of the President and Director of CREFITO 7.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública celebrates the Physiotherapist Day, always celebrated on October 13th, with a special tribute that can be seen on billboards on the city streets and on the main FM radio stations.

In addition to celebrating the important date, the Bahiana has been highlighting the Physiotherapy course, the first in Bahia, which has just completed 38 years. Check out our hotsite the special testimonies of the President and Director of CREFITO 7, Jose Roberto Borges dos Santos e Geraldo Magalhaes Melo, both graduated in 1975, in Bahiana.

Another initiative is the realization of II Physiotherapy Research Journey of Bahiana which takes place this Friday (15/10) and Saturday (16/10), at the Cabula Academic Unit Convention Center. Check the schedule.

On October 13, 1969, Decree Law 938 was regulated, which defines the development and conservation of a patient's physical capacity as a specific activity of physical therapists, in addition to being recognized as a professional with a higher education level. Since then, the physiotherapist's day has been celebrated on this date.

The physiotherapist treats illnesses and injuries caused by accidents, genetic malformations or posture addictions, whether preventing, rehabilitating or curing.

Prevention is even considered the primary role of physiotherapy, whose professional must alert and guide the patient about the need to adopt adequate procedures in certain situations.

Reintegration or rehabilitation physiotherapy aims to reintegrate the person into society. Generally, the physiotherapist stimulates the neurological potential of the patient who has suffered injuries in the neurological area or has lost one of his limbs.

Curative physiotherapy, on the other hand, aims to restore movements lost as a result of serious injuries or restore muscle strength and vitality.

Regardless of the type of intervention, physical therapists can work in various fields of medicine such as orthopedics, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, rheumatology, sports medicine, neurology, cardiology and pulmonology.

The professional can choose one of several areas in the job market, including clinical physiotherapy, working in hospitals, offices, clinics, rehabilitation centers and outpatient clinics; collective health, where it develops health programs; education, teaching or developing research and in sports health, recovering athletes. In addition to specializing in certain therapeutic activities such as acupuncture, chiropractic care and osteopathy.

CLICK HERE to confirm our tribute.

Schedule of Physiotherapist Day activities:


Communication: "I said, I'm talking!"
Objective: Provide a moment of critical reflection on the importance of effective communication.

Study and learn: in search of new strategies.
Objective: Discuss methods and techniques that support the study.

Interpersonal relationship.
Objective: Working on tools that make it possible to improve interpersonal relationships.


Swiss balls.
Purpose: The Swiss ball as a professional tool.

Employability: personal and professional skills.
Objective: Provide information about the labor market, knowledge and skills to generate and maintain a job.

Cooperative games.
Objective: Motivate self-esteem and mutual respect in a spontaneous and productive way.

Trying out other roles.
Objective: To experience different roles in the Physiotherapist's professional scenario.

Chinese Exercises and Physiotherapy
Objective: To experience how the practice of Chinese exercises can expand the Physiotherapist's professional experience.