

Psychology and Ways of Being

Reflective text presented by student Lara Andrade Mendes, on Psychologist's day




"I firmly discover that pieces of me break free with each new look to compose a certain dreamy insanity." 

Lara Andrade Mendes Mangieri – August/2010




          Sketching life is a daily attitude of unveiling the “I” that echo in us. And if there is a definitive text, it is certainly about the dynamics of multiple transformers.

          “Psychologies and Ways of Being”. The use of the “and” connective sharpens my inspiration. This additive idea instigates thinking about an enriching science because it is diverse, that is, an action that presupposes countless possibilities. In view of this reflection, an integrated positioning of heterogeneity in a singular whole capable of valuing the various forms of metabolization in the world is considered. There is, then, a dialogue of identities and subjective Moaic who are dedicated to weaving the social “(with) experience” in which we are distinct and complementary pieces.

          The being constitutes, therefore, in being mundane treaded through the labyrinths of “itself”. Uncovering oneself fatally suggests a predisposition to encounter the most visceral human grooves, since there is always an outline of life in the (in) deep paths we inhabit.

          This sensibility of facing the essence strengthens the defense of “Psychologies”, a plurality adapted to the subjectivations inscribed in the symbolic bodies that shelter the identity process.

          A choice, struggle, change. An engagement, desire, symptom. They are ways of expression of the mutant subjects that delineate and define the pieces of socially constructed destiny. Here is the fundamental foundation of our humanity: the flowering of meanings, impressions and creative marks to constantly become what one is.




the fragile writing

fluid thinking

the innate love

the confused heart


the voice of the soul

the sound of uncertainty

the song of heartache

the noise of the current


the silent cry

from the dormant life



And in the forest of dreams

the night melody
