

Bahiana signs partnerships with the University of Évora and British Columbia

Cooperation will allow academics to carry out part of their training at partner entities.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública established institutional partnerships with the University of Évora (Portugal) and with the Health Mentors program at the University of British Columbia (Canada). The latter, through collaborative research in Extension work at the HTLV outpatient clinic of Bahiana Health. Cooperation favors exchanges for studies or research at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels (master's and doctorate) in common projects. The objective is to develop new perspectives and global skills through international academic experience. The actions are coordinated by the Institutional Academic Relations and Internationalization Center (REAI).

The internationalization of postgraduate studies is a fundamental strategy for the development of Brazilian science. Aware of this, the Bahiana has strengthened solid partnerships with important universities. In 2023, the coordinator of the Professional Master's in Psychology and Health Interventions program, Prof. Mônica Daltro, completed her post-doctorate at the University of Évora. "The experience of a post-doctorate expands several possibilities for developing research and building research networks. Today we have a doctoral student carrying out sandwich research, in Portugal, on the health of professionals in the prison system. It would be a research carried out only here, in Brazil, but, with these partnerships, it was possible to carry it out outside the country as well", explains Mônica.

Currently, the Bahiana maintains partnerships with important universities in other countries, such as the University of Guadalajara (MEXICO); University of Porto (PORTUGAL); Concordia University Of Edmonton (CANADA), Universidad La Coruña (SPAIN); Case Western University (USA); University of Toronto (CANADA) and Universidad de Las Islas Baleares (SPAIN). Click here to learn more.