

Monitoring 2024.1: open enrollment

Registration can be made until October 23rd.


Registration for the 2024.1 Monitoring selection process is open from October 16th to 23rd, 2023 at 23:45 pm.

Access Application form of the Training Selection Process for Monitoring.


Biomedicine course monitors 2024.1
Molecular and Cell Biology
Biomorphofunctional I
Biomorphofunctional II
Metabolic Biochemistry
Physics and Biophysics
Structural Chemistry and Biochemistry

Monitors of the Physical Education course 2024.1
Biomorphofunctional I
Biomorphofunctional II
Study of Human Movement
Exercise physiology
Research methodology
Recreation and Leisure
Tests, Measurements and Assessment in Physical Education and Sports

Monitors of the Nursing Course 2024.1
Theoretical Bases and Practices of Nursing II
Practices in Women's Health
Elderly Health Practices

Monitors of the Physiotherapy Course 2024.1
Electrophysical Agents
Biomorphofunctional I
Biomorphofunctional II
Outpatient Supervised Internship I

Monitoring of the Medicine course 2024.1
Applied Anatomy - Radiological
Applied Anatomy – Radiological (residual vacancies)

Applied Anatomy – Regional
Semiological Basis
Biofunction I
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Macroscopic Fundamentals
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Microscopic Fundamentals Module – BMC/Physiology
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Microscopic Fundamentals, Tissue Aspects (Histology)
Biomorphofunctional II – Macroscopic Fundamentals – Neuroanatomy
Integrated Clinic I
Surgical Skills I
Surgical Skills II
Instrumental Methodology – Intercourse Morphofunctional Sciences Group (GCMi)
First aid
Children's Health I
Women's Health I

Common Core Monitoring 2024.1
First aid

Assistantships of the Dentistry course 2024.1 
Biomorphofunctional I
Biomorphofunctional II
Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology
Children's Clinic I
Children's Clinic II
Children's Clinic III
Special Dentistry Clinic
Oral Rehabilitation Clinic I
Oral Rehabilitation Clinic III
Adolescent Clinic
Integrated Clinic I
Integrated Clinic II
Outpatient Supervised Internship I
Stomatology I

Stomatology II
Stomatology III
Fundamentals of Oral Rehabilitation I
Fundamentals of Oral Rehabilitation II
Fundamentals of Oral Rehabilitation III
Health Illness Process I
Process Health Illness II
Process Health Illness III

Monitoring Rules

