Monitoring Program Rules

Monitoring Program Rules


Chapter I
From the Monitoring Program

Art. 1º. The Monitoring Program Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública offers academic monitoring in the various courses of the institution, coordinated by the Monitoring Advisory Committee and by the Monitoring Management Committees of each course.

Chapter II
From the Monitoring Advisory Committee (CAM)

Art. 2º. The Monitoring Advisory Committee is made up of an institutional person responsible for the Monitoring Program, at least one professor from any of the existing undergraduate courses and at least one academic supervisor. -pedagogical, appointed by the dean of the institution, with the objective of accompanying the monitoring.

Art. 3º. The duties of the Monitoring Advisory Committee are:
I- Carry out the preparation of the monitoring schedule, every six months;
II- Request the Monitoring Management Committee of each course to send the monitoring projects for the corresponding period;
III- Conduct a conference of the notices;
IV- Send the notices for spelling correction;
V- Forward the monitoring notices for publication to the responsible sector;
VI- Monitor the selection process of monitoring;
VII- Forward the result of the monitoring selection process and the dates of signature of the grant and adhesion terms for publication to the responsible sector.

Chapter III
From the Monitoring Management Committee (CGM)

Art. 4º. Each undergraduate course will constitute a Monitoring Management Committee (CGM) composed of at least one professor and one academic-pedagogical supervisor and the coordinator of the course, for monitoring and evaluation of all course monitoring, according to the guidelines described. The CGM responds to the Monitoring Advisory Committee (CAM), which requests the number of paid vacancies for approval and inclusion in the annual budget, validation of selected students for signing the grant terms and adhesion terms, exclusion of students by dismissal, with suspension of the respective grants, transfer of grants, where applicable, and to those who send a half-yearly report on the activities of all monitoring activities that are under their management.

Art. 5º The duties of the Monitoring Management Committee are:
I- Request the teacher responsible for monitoring to prepare the public notice, the activity plan, the training program and the monitoring system;
II- Analyze the notices, activity plans, training program and evaluation system of the monitors, already completed by the monitoring coordinator professor, and defer if the requests for spaces physical and material suit the monitoring objectives and institutional budget;
III- Monitor and evaluate the monitoring, based on the individual monitor assessment sheets that will be sent bimonthly by the teacher coordinator of monitoring to the CGM.
IV- Forward to the Monitoring Advisory Committee (CAM) cases of abandonment, withdrawal or termination of monitors.

Chapter III
Guidelines and General Objectives

Art. 6º. The monitoring projects, of the various courses of the institution, must be in line with the principles of the political-pedagogical project of the course to which they are linked, containing the objectives, number of monitors and categories, the attributions of the monitors ) and guiding teachers, the activity plans with the distribution of the workload, in addition to the evaluation and monitoring scheme.

Art. 7º. The monitoring objectives are:
I- Develop cognitive, procedural and attitudinal skills through work developed with a teacher of a certain curricular component, helping him/her in the teaching-learning process;
II- Deepen the knowledge acquired in a certain curricular component.

Art. 8º. Monitoring activities must follow the following guidelines:
I- Every activity to be performed by the monitor must be foreseen in the project and in the activity plan sent by the curricular component to the CGM; II- Monitoring activities must not be carried out at a time that harms the monitor's student activities;
III- The student can only carry out activities in a single monitoring, each semester, not being able to accumulate two or more monitoring simultaneously, even in the category of non-scholarship holder;
IV- The student will not be able to carry out activities in a monitoring and a research project (scientific initiation) at the same time, regardless of being a scholarship holder or not in any of the activities;
V- The student will not be able to carry out activities in a monitoring and in an academic league board at the same time;
VI- The student who performs activities in a monitoring and participates in an academic league, concomitantly, will not be counted as a complementary activity the participation in activities of the league, during the period in which he is a monitor.
VII- Monitoring activities cannot be confused with the work of a teacher, who is exclusively responsible for teaching classes, evaluating performance, assigning grades for achievement and controlling student attendance;
VIII- The monitors can only carry out activities in the presence of a teacher at the place where the activity is being carried out.
IX- The maximum weekly workload will be 10 hours. Its distribution will be in charge of each curricular component. However, the maximum workload in the morning or afternoon period must never exceed the limit of 4 hours, and cannot, under any circumstances, be in conflict with the monitor's student activities. In exceptional cases in which this happens, the student activity of the monitor will prevail, and the monitoring coordinator must dismiss the monitor, without any kind of burden, monitoring activity that causes the conflict. It is included in
10 hours weekly the time used by the monitor for practical activities with students, training of the monitor, seminars, literature review, research activities, extension activities and others pertinent to the monitoring exercise.
X- Curricular activities involving monitors and students can only be carried out within the institution and must be included in the schedules provided for in the curriculum. The training of monitors can also only be carried out within the institution.
XI- If there is a need for training of the monitors, during the vacation period, such training will be of, at most, 12 shifts, never exceeding 04 hours per shift. The training must be included in the monitoring plan, be approved by the CGM and published in the selection notice.
XII- The priority of occupation of laboratories and classrooms will always be for regular classes, and the hours of use for monitoring must respect the regular opening and closing period of these places.

Chapter IV
From Categories

Art. 9º. The only possibility of access to monitoring, for any category, is through public notice.

Art 10. The monitoring categories, in terms of function, are as follows:
I - Monitor: student classified according to the number of vacancies available to holders of a monitoring program (with or without the right to a scholarship, in the amount stipulated by the course, during the monitoring period);
II - Student supervisor: student who has already participated in monitoring for a year and, therefore, has experience to multiply the knowledge acquired during the process. The validity period is one year, after which you will be entitled to a certificate. The nomination must be made, in writing, by the teacher coordinator of the monitoring, and approved by the CGM, being allowed 01 (one) reappointment, after a new request from the teacher coordinator(s). a) monitoring. This category will not include a scholarship.
§ Single. If there is a need to insert or remove categories to meet the needs of specific curricular components, these can only occur after approval by the CGM of the course and by the CAM.

Art 11. The monitoring categories, in terms of remuneration, are as follows:
I - Scholarship holder: candidate who was selected for monitoring with a scholarship in the amount stipulated by the institution, during the duration of this monitoring;
II - Non-scholarship holder: candidate who has been selected for non-scholarship monitoring.

Chapter V
Project, Activities Planning, Selection, Classification, Granting and Adherence

Art 12. The design, planning and selection of monitoring is detailed in the document Monitoring Flow, made available by the CAM to the CGM.

Art 13. Each course will send to CAM the number of scholarship holders and non-scholarship holders, with the number of substitutes, subject to financial availability, on the aforementioned dates March 15th and September 15th.

Art.14. The monitoring coordinator teachers will forward the monitoring activity plans (including training), the desired number of vacancies and the notices, until April 04th (1st semester) and until September 18th (2nd semester) of each year, to the CGM of the respective course.

Art 15. The CGM will analyze the notices and activity plans (including training), taking into account the institution's financial availability and monitoring guidelines. The CGM will forward the pre-approved projects to CAM, until April 19 (1st semester) and October 02 (2nd semester), for analysis, verification of vacancies and activities for the following academic period.

Art 16. The Monitoring Management Committee of each course will guide the selection process, in accordance with the rules issued by the institution.

Art 17. The student's enrollment to participate in the selection process for monitoring will imply knowledge and acceptance of the established rules, to which the student cannot claim ignorance. Thus, the student who fulfills the following conditions is eligible to participate in the selection process:
I- Be a student regularly enrolled in an undergraduate course of the institution;
II- Have been approved in the monitoring curricular component (evidence at the time of the call of the selected candidates);
III- Have time available to carry out the activities programmed in the monitoring project, without conflict between the schedules of the monitoring activities and the schedules of the activities of the curricular components to which they will be linked in the semester in which they will exercise the monitoring.
IV- Do not participate in another monitoring, research project (scientific initiation) or direction of an academic league, of any nature, institutional or not, in the semester in which the monitoring will be carried out.
V- If the student is a monitor of a certain curricular component and, at the same time, is part of an academic league, the activities carried out in the league during this period will not be computed as Complementary Activity.

Art 18. Applications will be made exclusively during the period determined in the public notice, by means of electronic registration. Upon registration, the candidate will inform the curricular component for which he/she is applying for a vacancy, being allowed to register for selection in a maximum of two curricular components per semester, indicating the first option. In case you are selected for both, the first option will be valid.

Art 19. There will be selection for the monitoring program through public notice. Publication of the notice, opening and closing of registrations for a given monitoring will occur until the last business day of each semester.

Art 20. The selection must be carried out within 15 working days, after the closing of registrations.

Art 21. The form of selection will be indicated in the selection notice.

Art 22. A classification must be assigned to the candidates, in order to allow the replacement, in case of impediment or dismissal of the selected candidate.

Art 23. The list of selected candidates (called and alternates) must be sent by the CAM for publication. It must include the deadlines for the delivery of documents and signature of the Granting and Adhesion Terms.

Art 24. Results must be published no later than 10 (ten) business days after selection.

Art 25. The selected candidate must confirm his/her interest in the Academic Office of the respective course, within 48 hours after the result is announced.

Art 26. After the confirmation period, the Academic Secretariat will forward to the CGM the list of confirmed candidates and, if necessary, a new call will be made, respecting the replacement list.

Art 27. The deadlines for submitting documents and signing the Terms are defined by CAM. Failure to meet the deadlines will result in disqualification of the candidate.

Art 28. The CGM will follow up on cases of withdrawal or termination of a monitor, grantee or non-scholarship holder, during the monitoring period.

Art 29. If these events occur within 4 (four) weeks after the beginning of the school term, there will be a new call, following the alternate list.

Art 30. If the monitoring includes non-scholarship students and a scholarship student vacancy is opened, the first of the non-scholarship holders will ascend to the scholarship category and a new classified student will be summoned to the non-scholarship category, respecting the classification order.

Art 31. The transfer of scholarships for students who dropped out or dropped out will be made through a written request from the monitoring coordinator to the CGM of the course, who will analyze it and, if approved, will forward it to the CAM, for the appropriate measures. The transfer can only be made until the end of the first four weeks.

Art 32. The CGM will forward to CAM the list of students selected for the preparation of the grant terms, for scholarship monitors and, for adhesion, for non-scholarship monitors. Scholarship monitors must sign the Term of Grant and non-scholarship holders, the Contract of adhesion, agreeing not to receive any financial incentive for the monitoring exercise. Both fellows and non-scholarship holders will declare, at that moment, not to participate in other monitoring (graduation or extension), research projects and academic leagues;

Art 33. The student will not be able to accumulate scholarships of any nature, whether or not they belong to the institution.

Chapter VI
Assignments of the Monitor

Art 34. The monitor will assist the monitoring coordinator teacher according to the component monitoring project, being assigned the activities approved by the CGM, according to the specifics of the project:
I- Participate in the activities of the curricular component, from planning to evaluation;
II- Assist the teacher and students in practical activities of the curricular component;
III- Carry out support activities in practical classes, under the supervision of teachers;
IV- Accompanying students in the field, helping them in the development of different activities, such as surveying medical records, preparing a field diary, research reports, practice reports, under teacher supervision;
V- Prepare the practical activities inherent to monitoring, with prior authorization from the teacher coordinator of monitoring;
VI- Carry out its bimonthly evaluation, together with the teacher responsible for monitoring;
VII- Participate in activities offered by monitoring, in accordance with Art. 8, item IX.

Art 35. The monitor is prohibited from:
I- Replacing professors in theoretical or practical classes;
II- Correct assignments and/or tests, be responsible for a checklist of practical tests and control the attendance of students;
III- Exercise monitoring outside the planning authorized by the CGM.

Art 36. The monitor will be turned off if:
I- Abandon monitoring without plausible justification, an act for which you will no longer be able to compete for any other monitoring.
II- Present attendance below 75%, within the schedule established by the monitoring project. Special situations, with a frequency between 70% and 74%, will be dealt with by the teacher coordinator of monitoring and academic-pedagogical supervision;
III- Failure to adequately fulfill its attributions, not reaching the minimum expected in the periodic evaluations.
IV- Failure to carry out the planned periodic monitoring assessments.
V- Incurring a disciplinary offense provided for in the institution's bylaws and other rules issued by it;
VI- Request enrollment suspension and/or cancellation.
VII- Students dismissed for the reasons contained in items II, III, IV, and V can only apply for another monitoring through a request, made in writing to the CGM, containing a self-analysis on what happened in the monitoring from which he/she was disconnected and the new purposes for the monitoring to which he/she intends to be able to apply. The CGM, if it accepts the justifications, will authorize the new registration.
§ Single. The student removed from his/her role as a monitor due to voluntary or involuntary leave automatically loses the right to the scholarship, if he/she has it, as well as the workload statement. 

Chapter VII
Assignments of the Monitoring Coordinator Professor

Art 37. The monitoring coordinator teacher's duties are: I- Know the Monitoring Program Rules;
II- Prepare a Monitoring Project based on the Political-Pedagogical Project of each course and review it whenever necessary;
III- Prepare the Monitoring Activities Plan, which should include: objectives, justification, activities to be developed, schedules, evaluation system, among others;
IV- Prepare a public notice for the selection of students for monitoring, according to the model sent by the Monitoring Advisory Committee;
V- Forward the project, activity plan, evaluation system, desired number of vacancies and public notice, to the CGM of the respective course, following the details provided in the Monitoring Flow document, made available by the CAM to the CGM.
VI- Take and make known the general institutional guidelines, presenting the Norms of the Monitoring Program, the Activity Plan and the Assessment System to teachers and students linked to the curricular component for which it is responsible;
VII- Train the monitor in the use of methodologies appropriate to his/her performance, helping him/her to deal with students and deepen their knowledge;
VIII- Effectively guide the monitor in the performance of teaching, research or extension activities provided for in the project;
IX- Promote meetings and/or seminars with the monitors for the socialization of the work developed and exchange of experiences related to the course or intercourse;
X- Encourage the monitors to share the knowledge obtained with their colleagues who did not have the same opportunity;
XI- Periodically share, together with the course to which it belongs, the academic results of the monitoring project;
XII- Prepare, within the established deadlines, the partial and final monitoring reports for monitoring by the CGM;
XIII- Continuously evaluate the performance of the student monitor based on the objectives of the monitoring project and the proposed evaluation criteria.
XIV- Forward to the Academic Department, to which your monitoring is linked, the documentation required for the student's certification (student attendance, evaluation, final list of graduates to issue certificate, etc.);
XV- Request, in writing, to the CGM the dismissal of monitors as well as the transfer of scholarship, if applicable;
XVI- Be aware that the priority for occupancy of laboratories will always be for regular classes, and the hours of use for monitoring must respect the regular opening and closing period of these places;
XVII- The reservation request, as well as the planning of practical classes and training for monitoring must follow the same rules for offering practical classes of undergraduate courses in teaching laboratories and classrooms, in which it is mentioned that only the event that has been scheduled in the planning week prior to the beginning of the academic semester, scheduling requested in the same forms used for regular classes;
XVIII- The laboratory reservation request and the planning of practical activities must be carried out in the forms “Mod GRAD 002 — Schedule of Regular Activities” in accordance with the Lesson Planning and “Mod LAB.ENS. 002 — Planning of Practical Activities in the Teaching Laboratory”, respectively, by the teacher coordinator of the monitoring. After completion, the forms must be forwarded to the course coordinator;
XIX- The classroom reservation must be requested by the teacher coordinator of the monitoring, by sending the form MOD GRAD 002 - Schedule of Regular Activities According to Planning - Reservation of Room/Laboratory of Teaching (available at SDOC). Once completed, the form must be forwarded to the course coordinator.

Chapter VIII
Final Provisions

Art 38. Omitted cases will be resolved by the CAM.